Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Navigation

Accounts and Access

SCS Account

This account is distinct from and does not replace your Andrew account. Your Andrew account is a requirement to receive an SCS account. If you do not have an Andrew account but require access to SCS resources, contact your department administrator. 

An SCS account is necessary to access some of the core services, infrastructure, and resources we offer that are specific to the SCS community. This is in addition to the Andrew ID and password provided by Computing Services.


Depending on your account type, an SCS account provides the following services:

  • Login to supported Linux hosts (access to a host will need to be requested by a contact on the host).
  • A local account on a general-use Linux host.
  • An e-mail alias ( which delivers to your Andrew email account.
  • A directory in SCS’s AFS cell.
  • The ability to print to SCS printers.
  • Help Desk and other SCS Facilities-provided user consulting.

SCS Account Types

There are three account types in SCS. Your level of access to SCS Service is dependent on your SCS/CMU affiliation and SCS account type. 

SCS Account Type SCS Services SCS Affiliation
Member Account Kerberos, AFS, SCS Email Alias, Linux GP, Help Desk, Technical Procurement, Printing, Poster Printing

Faculty, Staff, PhD & Masters Student, Undergraduate Researcher, Visitor

Collaborator Kerberos, AFS, SCS Email Alias, Linux GP, Help Desk, Printing External Professional Collaborators & Department Colleagues, Education Partners
Cluster User Kerberos, AFS Cluster admin must sponsor account

 Request an SCS Account

You can request an SCS account by completing the online SCS Account Application

  • The applicant(s) must have an active Andrew account.
  • Requests for an SCS account must be sponsored by an SCS Faculty or Staff member with an active SCS account. If the requestor is not the account sponsor, we will contact the sponsor for approval before processing the application
  • Once the sponsor approves the request, an SCS Help Desk ticket will be created and the requestor will receive notification when the account is provisioned.