Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Navigation

Communication and Collaboration

SCS Computing Facilities leverages the main Computing Services infrastructure for a number of services for the SCS community. However, we have unique aspects of our service offering designed to meet the needs of our users. We have a unique mailing list management system, we utilize unique email aliases, our own room reservation system and our own public printing queues, just to name a few.


Information on our Email service, client configuration guides and more. 

Mailing Lists

Information on requesting mailing lists, management and policy.

Room Reservation System

SCS Building Facilities manages room resources throughout SCS. This page provides information and access to reserve a room. 

Audio-Visual Resources

Information about the audio-visual equipment present in equipped conference rooms maintained by the SCS Operations team.

Technology Reservation (Conference Phones and More)

Request reservation of SCS Conference Phones, and other equipment from the SCS Help Desk for use within SCS buildings using our VoIP-enabled conference room connections.